Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Doug Hutchinson and Courtney Stodden

I can admit, even though I am slightly ashamed that I am caught up in this Doug Hutchinson and Courtney Stodden marriage scandal. After watching Anderson Cooper I feel completely convinced that it was true love that prompted them to get married in front of that little white chapel in Vegas. Who cares that he's 51 and she's 16?? Who cares that she makes the most disgusting sexy faces I've ever seen?? I refuse to stand in the way of true love.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What's a girl got to do?

Dedication in East of Eden

Dedication from The Little Prince

I have two favorite books: The Little Prince and East of Eden (I'll admit I stole that one from Emily James but I love it now).

One of my most favorite parts of each of those books is the dedication. They both reflect such love and respect for the person they are dedicating the book to. I want someone to dedicate me a book!! I want someone to appreciate my friendship so much that they include me in their book. Hell I would love it if someone fell in love with me and then dedicated a book to me! At this point I'd take damn near any dedication.Even if it just said " To Nat, the most annoying friend I've ever had." I'd shed some tears over that. Seriously.

What's a girl got to do?? Should I make more english major friends/journalism friends/ writer friends?? Should I marry a writer??? Although I can already tell you our personalities won't match. What's the best way to be on someone's dedication page??

Friday, July 8, 2011

It's been too long

It's been way too long since I posted! It's not because I haven't had ideas but because every time I sit down to post something I fall asleep! I don't know how I've managed to be busy this summer but thank goodness I have. That will make my summer vacation even better!

Since I've last posted I've finished one more class and started another one. Stephen has been to town twice visiting a week each time, I got to spend a couple hours with Babs last week, and Janelle is now visiting for two weeks. So I got to see all three of my best friends in a matter of weeks. It's been great. Except for Janelle and Stephen are always encouraging me to not go to work. It's hard to be responsible!!!

I'll try to catch up on all my post ideas in the next couple days. Hopefully you won't be as bored by them as I think you will. Let's start with 4 of July weekend.

My fourth of July weekend was great. It started with Rachelle and ended with Janelle with a whole lot of Stephen in between. Oh, and I can't forget Amanda! There was swimming involved, lots of fireworks, ALOT of laughter, a delicious strawberry shortcake (and I don't even like strawberry shortcake) an exciting Bees game with tons of churros and hot dogs, four wheeling, and the two cuddliest kids on the planet. I was loving life and America!