So sadly I have no pictures of one of the best days in my life!!! Cameras were not allowed.
This morning I rolled out of my bed at 4 am in the morning, and I caught a cab at 4:40 in the morning with a taxi cab driver named John who quickly pointed out that he was a sinner redeemed by grace who considered himself an independent baptist who goes strictly off the old testament and who kept asking me whether I was Mormon or Christian and to whom I had to keep repeating sir...Mormons are Christian. That's why I could never be a missionary because I was getting super frustrated and angry. He wasn't listening!
Anyway, I arrived at the Capitol Hill Hilton at 5 am in the morning just in time to check my coat, miss breakfast, go through security and start ushering people in the ballroom for the National Prayer Breakfast.
The best things ever happened. Don't worry about it, I walked senate Majority leader Harry Reid to his seat... I was basically/literally brushing shoulders with Nancy Pelosi (she had to get to her seat), I was less than 50 feet from Pres. Obama, Michelle Obama, VP Joe Biden, Sen. Orrin Hatch, Madame Secy. Hillary Clinton, Tim Tebow, Chairman of the Joint Chief of staffs SGT Mullen, I mean I was in congressional/white house cabinet heaven. These people are some of the most powerful people in the world! BLOWS MY MIND.
My most favorite thing had to be Sen. Hatch's prayer. One of my roommates was talking to him later on in the day and he mentioned that he couldn't remember what he said which goes to show it wasn't scripted but rather a genuine pray directed by the spirit.
I mean who would script this??
And my day got better....
I went to my first hearing at work where I learned about the budget for the Department of Commerce...crazy literally how people talk about millions of dollars and billions of dollars in a budget like I talk about tens and twenties. I can't even imagine how much money that is.
I got to go to Sen.Brown's (MA) swearing in ceremony where I watched from the gallery as Kerry, Brown and McCain and Biden all just mulled around and hung out until the actual ceremony took place.
Basically in less than a week I have seen Pres. Obama twice..more than some people will see any President their whole life time. I am so lucky and I love it. I could keep writing forever but I'll stop because I know this isn't exciting to anyone else but me really. Love you all. Ciao
P.S. The best part is that if it snows tomorrow... Snow day from work baby!!!